Monday, April 24, 2006


I was introduced to my demon.
It was knocking loudly on my door.
It was again a dark, late night.
Yet this time I opened and It I saw.
I was introduced to my demon.
It came in such bizarre a form.
I thought of my immediate fears,
That now sat with me in my dorm.
No hand to shake, nor eyes to meet.
It was the strangest rendezvous.
I drew my breath to gather strength,
And then I began to undress you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell is this??

4:04 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Kate, a word of advice, click yes on the word verification on your blog settings - it will prevent spam. And for goodness sake delete the above fucker - he's not worth the comment he's written on.
Your poetry is great, although you don't write enough!
Frank Wilson of Books Inq is always looking for poetry links - get over there (link on my blog)and ignore the twats with the small brains!!

10:05 am  
Blogger Nooy said...

So I'm blog surfing.. link to your friends and see where you end up thought their links.. HERE!

I really enjoyed scrolling down your page and will definitely add you to my favourites list. I like your rhythmic rhyming style and the little wit that comes out here and there!

Makes me want to write again! Thanks and keep it up!

11:23 pm  
Blogger "M" said...

First time here!
Loved it. Strong words and clear ideas. Don't stop writing, ever, no matter what.

4:39 pm  

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