Tuesday, March 15, 2005

God! I Hate People At Airports

God! I hate people at airports.
They rush to be first on the plane.
Then they stand in a queue
With nothing to do
But wait to be seated again.

God! I hate people on planes.
They spend hours rearranging their stuff.
They stand still in the lane
Only then to complain
That people are not quick enough.

God! I hate kids sat behind me.
Flying must be an exciting fad.
‘cause they kick at my seat
‘till the journey's complete.
I think that I’m going to go mad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must be weird...I actually love everything about flying. From the people watching to conversations at the bar while waiting. To me, it's always an interesting time.

8:24 pm  
Blogger Aaroncoal said...

This is why I never fly!

11:38 pm  
Blogger Buddah Moskowitz said...

A compliment - your work, while you have your own voice, reminds me of Dorothy Parker. Disciplined, witty and playfully indignant. Bravo!

11:16 pm  

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