Sunday, October 29, 2006

I must have been intoxicated
when I promised I as yours.
I must have been asleep
when I committed.
For I simply can’t remember
when I sank into you claws,
Or when I wore the jacket
you had fitted.
I didn’t even realise
what a contract I had signed,
Nor notice the cool shackles
on my skin.
I put away my doubts,
about the bliss you had designed.
But now I see the shit
that I am in.


Blogger SRH said...

"When I sank into your claws"

just beautiful.

8:20 pm  
Blogger The Lettershaper said...

As a poet, and an avid reader, I have to say that I very much enjoyed my leisurely stroll through your was time well spent; entertaining and enlightening. I thank you...

5:44 am  
Blogger undefined undefined said...

Kate... any chance of some more? Is life looking up?? x

2:27 pm  
Blogger Dan Hanosh said...

I must have been . . .
simply can't remember . . .
the cool shackles . . .
but now . . .

So beautifully written . . . I'll be back again. Thanks.

Dan Hanosh

Dreams Are Yours To Share

Warriors and Wars

The Moon Also Rises

4:23 pm  

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